209 West Central Street, Suite 203, Route 135, Natick, MA 01760
(508) 653-1102 | Emergencies (508) 317-1171

COVID-19 Info

COVID-19 Updates and Information

With the arrival of COVID-19, we all are being forced to alter our lives. Shopping for food, going to school, and work, all of which was once taken for granted, now is potentially life-threatening.

Going to the Dentist has often been abhorrent to many, but safety in the world of COVID-19, makes the experience, that much more difficult. Taking this into consideration, my office has gone to extreme measures to protect the safety of our staff and patients.

It is our goal to reduce the added fear of COVID-19, from the equation, by our staff creating an environment that offers reassurance, with what we believe is a superior response to COVID-19 protocols.

If you experience the following symptoms: fever, coughing, or shortness of breath, or if you or a loved one has traveled to a country with confirmed COVID-19 cases, please notify our staff. If you or a family member has tested positive for Covid-19 or is under quarantine (self or medically mandated) please notify the office to reschedule.

While Efforts To Contain COVID-19 Continue To Evolve, Sunners DDS Is Taking The Following Steps To Reduce Transmission:

Medical Grade Air Filtration:

we have spared no expense to obtain a highly efficient, Medical Grade Air Filtration system from Switzerland. Numerous filtration units have been placed throughout our office, including the hallway. As a major component, we have further installed a Health Pro Plus with Flex Vac in all of our treatment rooms. These units are designed to capture airborne particles when a patient’s mask is removed during a dental procedure. The long funnel-like extension is placed close to a patient’s face and sucks in the aerosol coming from a patient’s mouth. This minimizes the amount of potentially dangerous airborne debris, which can cause infection.

Medical Masks and Face Shields:

Our clinical staff, have been equipped with N95 masks and Face Shields. We will add a disposable second mask over our N95 and under our Face Shield to ensure cleanliness. Additionally, our clinical staff, wear a freshly cleaned lab coat over a fluid-resistant isolation gown. These double layers are for the protection of our staff and patients.

In-Place Protocols:

All patients have their temperature taken upon entry to the office, and a series of screening questions are asked in an effort to verify that it is safe to treat that patient. Patients have openly available and/or are offered hand sanitizer before and after their dental appointment. Our clinical and non-clinical staff, also have their temperature checked daily and will be sent home if any possible COVID-19 symptoms are present upon arrival.

Limiting Patient and Provider Traffic:

Patients wait for their appointments in their car. Upon arrival to our parking lot, patients call our front desk, to check-in and review the screening questions. If patients do need to wait in our waiting room for any reason, they must wear a mask and sit or stand within 6 feet of another. Our waiting room seating has been reduced for social distancing and is regularly sanitized.